Fatigue and Safety: What Can You Do?

Fatigue can make workers as impaired as a drunk driver.
It’s up to you to:
- Establish a fatigue risk management plan. This guide is a great place to start.
- Teach employees about the dangers of fatigue. This webinar outlines how to shift risk perception on fatigue.
- Spread awareness at your organization and with other safety professionals. Share this blog post and other resources you find helpful in raising awareness about fatigue.
Learn more with the informative resources below.
Free webinar
Dead Tired: What Every Company Must Know About Fatigue
Fatigue is one of the most significant issues that companies face in every industry, as it affects safety, quality and productivity. Workers aren’t just tired—they’re dangerously impaired. This presentation will help you develop a plan to manage fatigue both corporately and individually.
The Six Flight Rules
To keep workers from “crashing” mid-shift.
A Guide to Building a Fatigue Risk Management Plan
This guide for leaders lists things to consider when implementing a workplace fatigue risk management plan and provides useful tips on how to help prevent or reduce the impact of fatigue.
A Guide to Personal Fatigue Management
This guide is aimed at employees and provides them with five actionable tips to prevent or lower the impact of fatigue in their lives.
Fatigue and Safety for Employees
Use these slides to educate your employees on the real risk associated with fatigue.

Locking Out Decision Fatigue
Decision fatigue plays a significant role in workers’ ability to carry out proper LOTO procedures. This article explains the issue and provides advice on how to handle it.

Trucking Tired Workers to Safety
The transportation sector has led the charge on dealing with worker fatigue. But this problem affects all industries and should be urgently addressed.

Eight Reasons Sleep Is the Key to Your New Year's Resolutions
When it comes to safety, good sleeping habits can help prevent incidents and improve performance, but many workplaces don’t see the significance of fatigue and sleep deprivation.
Posters & Infographic
Daylight saving poster and handout
Print out and share/display these resources (available in three languages) ahead of daylight saving time to help employees adjust to the time change and avoid dangerous levels of fatigue.
The Impact of Fatigue: Sleep or Die
This infographic from yourlocalsecurity.com shows how fatigue impacts health, productivity and safety.
Blog posts

A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming the Effects of Fatigue in the Workplace
While fatigue feels like a common condition, it shouldn’t be treated as an unavoidable fact of life.

How Glucose Impacts Safety on the Job
An often overlooked factor in fatigue is the potentially significant impact that metabolism and glucose levels can have on how tired people are.

Gradual Wake-up Solution to Fatigue for Daylight Saving Time
For most of us, spring daylight saving time (DST) means that you’re waking up in the dark—which throws off your body’s internal clock.

Why It’s so Difficult to Recognize Fatigue
Why do so many people have a tough time recognizing when their safety is compromised by tiredness?

Holiday Fatigue is a Thing—What You Need to Know for Safety
Holiday fatigue can impact workers in the worst way possible. And although it’s temporary, you need to learn how to manage it.

How Technology Can Help Your Workforce with Fatigue
Technology supplies a brand-new solution to the problem of fatigue in the workplace, and the use of technological solutions is becoming increasingly popular in high-risk jobs.