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Short On Time? Get Expert Safety Insights On-Demand

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On-demand webinars are a great way for people to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule, and they can also revisit the information as often as needed afterward. SafeStart has developed a library of on-demand webinars on various topics to fit that need. 

But we’ve taken it one step further—we also have a list of presentations from our SafeStart clients that may interest you since their area of focus is their success with SafeStart. The audience for their initial presentations was SafeStart staff. These presentations were originally presented in a lunch-and-learn format and we have edited them to include the recordings as a resource for other clients. We like to think of these as a different type of case study—a success story in a different format. The pre-recorded presentations are available here.

SafeStart and SafeLead are designed to complement any existing safety management systems companies have in place. And SafeStart and SafeLead have different user experiences. Steve Crider, the Safety & Compliance Officer for RedGuard, talks about how various applications and principles can work together to improve overall safety. Read more about Steve’s presentation or check out the full presentation

Ken Tutin, Vice President of Business Support for the Americas Division of Crown Cork & Seal USA, Inc., delivered his lunch-and-learn presentation about how his company has turned around its safety record. Ken acknowledged that there’s still work to be done, but he shared a game-changing equation for safety leadership success. The equation is broken down in this blog post, or you can watch the full presentation to hear how it will reach breakthrough injury reduction.

Ed Stephens, Global HSE/SA Audit, Assurance & Senior Lead Investigator of ABB Robotics and Discrete Automation, sat down with SafeStart’s Chief Client Officer Don Wilson for a lunch-and-learn session to discuss Ed’s success with collecting employee frustrations, or as they call it, harvesting frustrations. It has become an integral part of their organization’s success in human factors management. Read more about How to Turn Frustrations Into Safety Preventive Measures or watch the presentation here

Another lunch-and-learn focused on “upset systems,” as High Liner Foods‘ EHS Director Erika Pouliot explained. The presentation essentially showed instances when rushing and frustration took over on the lines at High Liner, causing workers to focus more on production than safety and ultimately resulting in a number of safety incidents.  And it was due to the message being more focused on the high cost of fish “and so they’re starting to hear that the numbers are more important than people, and the focus is more on the numbers and not on their safety,” said Pouliot. This presentation shows how a human factors approach helped to eliminate recordable injuries due to upset systems. Read a little more in the blog post or watch the lunch-and-learn presentation on demand. 

SNF Chemtall’s Safety and Training Supervisor Devron Kelso demonstrated some techniques borrowed from the world of guerrilla marketing to engage the workers at his facility. In his presentation, Kelso defines guerrilla marketing as “an advertising strategy using surprise and/or unconventional interactions to promote something.” It’s about embracing your creativity. From corporate street art to rapping and music videos, Kelso uses the guerrilla marketing philosophy to find new ways to promote safety. You can read more about his session in this blog post, or watch the presentation for the full effect. 

As stated in our 5 Repeatable Patterns for Safety Success Guide, “Safety is not a trade secret. Sharing best practices prevents the redundancy and repetition of effort that accompanies the trial and error method. There is no threat to sharing these practices. Most companies would love nothing more than to rely on tested methods from trusted sources to skip the leg work, because who wants to gamble with the lives of their employees?” 

Most of our SafeStart clients come to us after hearing first-hand accounts from people who achieved results from their implementation. These are just a few examples of the clients who have shared their successes with us in lunch-and-learn presentations. Take advantage of the free learning opportunities from all of our on-demand webinars.

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5 Repeatable Patterns for Safety Success

SafeStart has worked with tens of thousands of safety professionals over the last three decades and this guide summarizes the common problems they all have and what you can do to ensure you have success in safety.

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