Joe Tantarelli

Inspiring presenter who can relate “real life” to the training he provides.
Joe has a down-to-earth training style that is a direct result of his 40 years of experience in heavy equipment construction where he went from laborer to operator to manager. Joe was a training specialist for over eight years at Trucco Construction, which provided a natural transition for him to become a speaker and implementation specialist for the past nine years.
Joe has assisted company safety directors with management and employee training in preparation for receiving Star Approval in OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program. He has been a popular speaker at the Ohio B.W.C Safety Expo, Eastern Kentucky University, Army Corps of Engineers Construction Roundtable, Kentucky Governor’s Safety and Health Conference, and Kentucky League of Cities Insurance Services Safety Day. He has also spoken at the NSC Congress, ASSP and VPPPA Nationals, as well as other regional events outside of Ohio and Kentucky.
Current Speaking Topics
7 Things Everyone Can Learn from Near-Death Experiences
You don’t need to wait for a near-death experience to learn how to maintain situational awareness. Joe recounts the day he almost died in a trench collapse and outlines the personal safety skills that could have helped back then plus critical supervisor skills to adapt safety training at any site.
What is REALLY wrong with BBS?
BBS was supposed to steer us by providing precious leading indicators. So what went wrong? In this session you’ll hear the top reasons why so many have abandoned this valuable tool. Some are clear, but most are subtle. If you want a complete human factors management approach it must include BBS. Joe goes over why most fail, how to revive your process and how to work in human factors into every observation.
Buried Alive: What a Trench Collapse Survivor Wants You to Know
Joe shares his compelling story of surviving a near-fatal trench collapse accident and how knowing the SafeStart concepts beforehand would have helped him to prevent this life threatening accident. Joe’s commitment to family helps season his training sessions with a deeprooted and sincere concern for the safety of session attendees, families and friends. By the end of the session, attendees will learn strategies to help workers avoid these types of incidents in the future.
Joe’s personal anecdote was impactful. It was engaging and entertaining for a safety meeting.
– Graniterock
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Top Articles
The Buried Truth About Human Factors
Blog Posts
SafeStart Sponsors ASSE Symposium
Buried Alive: A Survivor’s Story at the 2017 Arizona Health & Safety Summit