Rate Your State
Supporting frontline leaders and workers with insight and practice

The Rate Your State program is a hands-on application of SafeStart Now. It converts SafeStart knowledge into new safety skills and habits while sustaining the process over time by providing an easy and effective way to foster communication and skill-building opportunities.
Immediate insight
Rate Your State is a clear and fast way of gauging how likely someone is to make a mistake that could result in injury. It provides frontline leaders with a snapshot of their crew’s frame of mind and gives workers immediate insight into their current level of risk, highlighting what they should concentrate on to prevent an incident.
Convert knowledge into practice
Take SafeStart knowledge and skills to the next level with Rate Your State. Workers receive support as they apply SafeStart skills—and frontline leaders have a structured format for positive safety interactions. Practicing Rate Your State soon becomes automatic, creating a habitual way of assessing states and influencing safety decisions.
Fight complacency
Rate Your State is one of the best methods of sustaining SafeStart Now training and fighting complacency. By encouraging workers to actively assess their current situation, Rate Your State keeps safety, risk and error on everyone’s mind and prevents routine from compromising safety.
Learn More About Rate Your State
Explore the Rate Your State program in detail, from the implementation process to its company-wide benefits.
Watch an overview of SafeStart’s support program for frontline leaders and peer-to-peer communications.