Unleashing the Power of Stories
Storytelling is a learnable skill that can help you build a strong workplace safety culture. Use the following resources to improve your abilities and engage your workers with well-prepared stories that stay on-topic and illustrate key human factors management concepts.
Six Leadership Skills For Improving Safety Climate
Storytelling is an effective way to change workplace climate and, over time, shift your culture. The six leadership skills discussed in this white paper will help you prepare your stories so that they have the most positive impact on workplace engagement and safety outcomes.
A Framework for Managing Human Factors
Including human factors as elements of a story can help enhance relatability, credibility, applicability and empathy. This guide provides a framework for seeing how human factors are at play in your organization so you can incorporate valuable lessons in your stories.
7 Essential Soft Skills For Hard Workplace Safety Problems
Your ability to tell effective stories can be amplified by developing other soft skills like empathy and relatability. This white paper contains guidance for developing crucial soft skills that can help level-up your workplace climate.
3 Powerful Tools for Telling Effective Safety Stories
Storytelling builds engagement, enhances safety and makes a work culture more resilient and adaptable to change. Anyone can learn to tell effective safety stories if they practice using these three narrative tools.
We are also developing practical guides to help you use the safety storytelling tools introduced in the presentation “Unleashing the Power of Stories.” Check back soon for more!
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