This excerpt from the Heineken Brazil safety case study demonstrates the role safety leadership and employee initiatives play in sustaining safety initiatives.
To ensure the success of SafeStart at Heineken Brazil, the office headquarters in São Paulo and Jacareí became involved with training. This included the direct involvement of the HR Corporate Manager and the People Development team. The HR team promoted the creation of a committee that included members from all corporate areas, which in addition to offering support to implement the program also made it possible to create a safety management model and specific training for employees who work outside the manufacturing environment. With the reduction in the number of accidents and incidents involving employees, there were fewer production slowdowns. And with fewer safety-related interruptions, the environment became safer and more productive.
Each month, data from SafeStart cards submitted by employees serves as the basis for prevention campaigns, which are disseminated to workers via e-mail, internal television screens and banners. The Internal Work Accident Prevention Week includes fun activities that apply the concepts of the SafeStart program. The program basics were also included in all new employee orientations and have been expanded to third party and service provider management.
Read the complete Heineken Brazil case study here.